Thursday, April 7, 2016

Montage:Activity 2

Blog Entry
Find two examples of political photomontages that are either from a historical or contemporary source.
Discuss in what context they have been produced and how effective you think they communicate their intended message.
Discuss the techniques that have been used to assemble the examples you have chosen and offer alternative ways that the artist could have put over the same message.

Peter Kennard
 This photomontage created by Peter Kennard is a political photomontage. The earth and factories, this is explaining how there is a global crisis created by the factories  and therefore effecting the earth. This image was produced in 1970.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Portraiture and Studio Photography: Activity 2

Blog Entry
Find four portraits that demonstrate the different ways a photographer has framed the image to alter the design and content. Discuss the vantage point, depth of field and subject placement in all of the images.

 In these photos they all have  different depth of field. The first photo is a good example on the vantage pointe, amid great placement for the subject, in between the two doors. the second photo is a more towards depth of field.
 The vantage pointe in the last photo., blurs out the background, even though it is simple and gives more focus onto the model.