Self Image: Activity 1
Blog Entry
What follows is a list of categories that serves to define and divide us. Make a personal list of the categories you belong to or have conflict with and visual symbols that are associated with each. Aspirations and expectations should also be listed.
What follows is a list of categories that serves to define and divide us. Make a personal list of the categories you belong to or have conflict with and visual symbols that are associated with each. Aspirations and expectations should also be listed.
1.Age/generation - is can dictate levels of independence afforded to the individual. *Expectation at this generation, starting adulthood, becoming responsible people,
independence development.
2.Gender - Our sex affects the way we are treated by some individuals.
*Expectations for females are that they become good role models,and later on in life become a good house wife. Males are expected to be the hard workers, the ones to later in life provide for the family.
3.Race - Prejudice and perceived racial superiority can affect hopes and aspirations.
*Expectation: Defines the person.
*Reality : the one thing that separates society.
4.Religion - Moral codes and ideologies that serve to guide, unite and divide.
*Expectations: perfect morals,bigger responsibility , must be taken seriously.
5.Class or caste - A classification that an individual may never escape from.
6.Personality - Extrovert and introvert are classifications of personality.
*Myself I am ambivert, meaning in the middle of both extrovert and introvert. Mainly it is because it depend on the situation.
7.Intelligence - educational establishments, based on IQ, often segregate us.
*Expectations, the ones that have a better performance in school are the ones that will be better intelligence.
8.Political persuasion - Left wing or right wing. Each carries its own ideology.