Thursday, May 5, 2016

Montage: Activity 4
Blog Entry
Find two examples of photomontages that are either from a commercial source or from a fine art background. Discuss in what context they have been produced and what techniques they share with political photomontages.
What messages, if any, are communicated through these photomontages and how effective do you think they are? Consider different ways that each image could have been tackled by the artist and come up with an idea for ‘another in the series’.

the message through the these images shows the beauty of nature but what man has done to ruin the true beauty. The communication shows how the beauty of nature is being destroyed by man. the way the artist could have perform the individual photos is layering different photos together
Montage: Activity 3

Blog Entry
As editors exercise their ever-increasing power over information control, what limits would you impose on them as to the extent to which they can manipulate the photographic image?
Devise a series of guidelines that will control the release of images that have been constructed for media use so that the public is aware as to the extent of the manipulation.

-the whole purpose of manipulating an image is being ablate have people believe the image and make it seem real. Guidelines of manipulating an image would have to be to make the image the actual truth, no false information.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Montage:Activity 2

Blog Entry
Find two examples of political photomontages that are either from a historical or contemporary source.
Discuss in what context they have been produced and how effective you think they communicate their intended message.
Discuss the techniques that have been used to assemble the examples you have chosen and offer alternative ways that the artist could have put over the same message.

Peter Kennard
 This photomontage created by Peter Kennard is a political photomontage. The earth and factories, this is explaining how there is a global crisis created by the factories  and therefore effecting the earth. This image was produced in 1970.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Portraiture and Studio Photography: Activity 2

Blog Entry
Find four portraits that demonstrate the different ways a photographer has framed the image to alter the design and content. Discuss the vantage point, depth of field and subject placement in all of the images.

 In these photos they all have  different depth of field. The first photo is a good example on the vantage pointe, amid great placement for the subject, in between the two doors. the second photo is a more towards depth of field.
 The vantage pointe in the last photo., blurs out the background, even though it is simple and gives more focus onto the model.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Portraiture and Studio Photography: Activity 1
Blog Entry 
Look through assorted media, magazines, internet and collect four portrait photographs. The environment should be a key feature in two of the four images.Describe the subject’s character in each of the images. What can you see within each image that leads you to these conclusions about the subjects’ character.

Photo By: Peter McConnochie

Photo By: Sam Antonio

Photo By: Alessio Albi
Photo By: Enamur Reza

In these portraits the pictures have different characteristics. They each can describe the person life or their personality.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Self Image: Activity 3
 Blog Entry

Consider some of the social pressures that you think may shape your behavior and personal image. List the images most commonly associated with the categories or ‘boxes’ you have already listed in Activity 1.

How have you responded to social pressures to conform by adopting an appearance that relates to the categories that you feel you have placed in or have chosen?

Simple, mature

 People respond differently to social pressures, myself i respond WAY differently then others. Social pressures have made me into a different person, people say I'm really mature for my age that it makes me seem like an older person. these are thing things in a simple way describe me.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Self Image: Activity 1
Blog Entry
What follows is a list of categories that serves to define and divide us. Make a personal list of the categories you belong to or have conflict with and visual symbols that are associated with each. Aspirations and expectations should also be listed. 

1.Age/generation - is can dictate levels of independence afforded to the individual.                                       *Expectation at this generation, starting adulthood, becoming responsible people,

       independence development.
2.Gender - Our sex affects the way we are treated by some individuals. 
     *Expectations for females are that they become good role models,and later on in life become a good house wife. Males are expected to be the hard workers, the ones to later in life provide for the family.
3.Race - Prejudice and perceived racial superiority can affect hopes and aspirations. 
      *Expectation: Defines the person.
      *Reality : the one thing that separates society.
4.Religion - Moral codes and ideologies that serve to guide, unite and divide.
      *Expectations: perfect morals,bigger responsibility , must be taken seriously.

5.Class or caste - A classification that an individual may never escape from.
6.Personality - Extrovert and introvert are classifications of personality.
    *Myself I am ambivert, meaning in the middle of both extrovert and introvert. Mainly it is because      it depend on the situation.
7.Intelligence - educational establishments, based on IQ, often segregate us.
 *Expectations, the ones that have a better performance in school are the ones that will be better intelligence.
8.Political persuasion - Left wing or right wing. Each carries its own ideology.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Time:Activity 4
Blog Entry

Find a photograph where the photographer has used a slow shutter speed and describe the subject matter including the background. Discuss any technical difficulties the photographer may have encountered and how these mat have been overcome.

Photo By: Ben Ogunbiyi
In these two photos the photographer used slow shutter speed. The effect when using a slow shutter speed can either leave a photo very bright. If the image has a moving object with lights, it will leave a tracing light 

Photo By: Dan Harrod

Friday, January 15, 2016

Time:Activity 2
Blog Entry

Find an example of a photograph where the photographer has used a very fast shutter speed and describe the subject matter including the background. Discuss any technical difficulties the photographer may have encountered and how he or she may have overcome them.

  • Discuss what happened to the depth of field and why.
  • Discuss weather the image gives you the feeling of movement, stating the reasons for your conclusion.
Photo By: Geraldine Lamanna
In this photo you can see that this is very time consuming. In this photo the shutter speed is an important , its one of the main elements to create the effect of the powder. Lighting had be perfect to not be under exposed or over exposed. the image has a lot movement  to be able to create the effect with the powder.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Time:Activity 1
Blog Entry
Look at a Henri Cartier-Bresson photograph and discuss why you think that capturing the decisive moment has added to the picture’s quality.

The decisive moments that Henri Cartier-Bresson give the picture its own quality by the meaning of the subject. Henri photos are mostly of people and at different ages. there are different kind of emotion in each of his photos and also with the subject setting the emotion.His photos are also taking at the moment, not really planed, which describes the 'decisive moment'.